Saturday, June 13, 2009


Time to give the house a quick, and I do mean quick, once over. Clean out the fridge, it is scary in there and relax. Finish a couple of books, prep my RS lesson, and generally kick wait...I forgot. Maddock needs a comforter for his new bed (drapes too), gotta visit a friend in the hospital, still gotta do the fridge and my lesson. So there goes the rest of the day. At some point I have to go through all my wedding notes (what am I going to blog about when the wedding is over?) Look for a new bed for the guest room. Mom will be happy, no more air mattress!

O.K. so I had five down to two at home and they are basically self sufficient (as long as I have enough money and don't forget their birthdays) so where exactly is all my "free time?"
Where, huh, I put in my thirty years as a MOM, where is my gold watch and my retirement fund? Now I'm over it! Wouldn't change much at all.

Now on to the house, the shopping, the planning...oh never mind!

1 comment:

  1. I like the stipulations for them being self-sufficient.
