First, we are all clear that the lady to right is not me, right?! I wish, cause if it was, the rest of the post would be moot!
Not the bride's, mine. O.K. so this week the wedding planning shifted gears. The kids finally registered (at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond), I started deciding what I will make and what I will have catered. The cupcakes...240 cupcakes (definitly cater), 80 chocolate mousses (make), Lemon Bars (cater), Pink Fluff (have to make), etc. You can see the how the system is shaping up.
So we have the wedding site, the reception site, the Bridal shower is being taken care of, the gift registry is finished, I picked out a dress and now I must get measured for it. The absurdity of this endeaver baffles me. My daughter is getting married in less than four months, I have decorations to worry over, caterers to find, venues to confirm, insurance to buy, various and sundry details to fret over and the biggest, most worrisome problem I have is getting measured for the dress. Bless her, Dawn, my friend and seamtress, promises to keep the meausurements under lock and key and, when the dress is perfect, to destroy them. So no problem right? WRONG! YOU COULDN'T BE WRONGER! I am telling you I am sweating bullets just thinking about get the tape measure out. I hate knowing the, hither to unknown, facts. The actual inch by inch tortureous details... I cannot think of one thing that worries me more about this wedding than getting measured for the dress. Oh, I will get it done. I will face my most horrific fears but, I will not allow her to tell me details. Write them down, hide them in her purse and put them under lock and key...and tell me nothing! Maybe, I think if I don't "know" the facts they can't be true? Hmmmm...something to ponder.
So ladies, let me know what you think! I was thinking this dress with Kermit the frog green ballet flats?
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