Monday, August 17, 2009

39 Days

So we are now 39 days away from the wedding and receptions. 39 days until family descends, Fred comes home, the wedding site has to be decorated, the chairs delivered, the flowers delivered, the reception set up, food delivered and prepped to serve (thank you Wendy), the dresses worn, the songs sung, the toasts made...39 days until she leaves home for the last time to become someone's wife. Someones wife, there is a bittersweetness about that phrase that causes me to stop in my tracks every once in a while and remember her as the little girl that ran around in cowboy boots and diapers, with tangles and tons of blond, curls that were wildly out of control for the most part. The little girl that curled up in my arms at night as we read together. The little girl that loved Fast Sunday because it was not Long Sunday. The little angle face with the devilish smile that would lie in wait for her older siblings to bang them on the head with some toy or other and then race, laughing wildly down the hall to get away. She was here a minute ago, I could swear. It has all come to unexpectedly fast and here we are...with only 39 days.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh my goodness, look what I found...

A few shots of some old friends...well no so old then of course. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Good gracious! The photos are coming out of the walls, boxes and boxes of them. These are a few of some dear and wonderful friends. Vick, I hope you remember some of these times. Our girls turned out beautiful and the boys just adorable! We done good girl!