Post wedding, straight into the holidays and finally things are slowing down enough for me to remember that I set up this blog. The wedding was wonderful and I can honestly say that it was the most perfect day ever for a wedding. The bride was beautiful, the groom adorable, the mother of the bride a bit frantic and frazzled but everything went beautifully!
We rolled straight from the wedding into the holidays and of course, because of the wedding I had spent exactly zero time shopping for Christmas. It all came together in the end though and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. We were so happy to have time to spend with Marshal and Stephani before Marshal leaves for the UAE for six months. This Christmas Eve marked our last one for a long time. Time to do something different! But there were dinners out with family, long chats by the fireplace, music playing, baking and cooking and our house was filled with our wonderful family and great friends!
I have finally had time to sit and read a book or two and am spending some time deciding what to do next. Down to visit Cares and Jay next month and visit Miss Lisa while I am there. Planning another big trip to visit the DH in Alabama and visit some dear, old friends there! Then over to Texas to visit my girl Vicki and some other old friends. Then home to await the our youngest's graduation from high school.
The big question for me is, then what? Who knows! I am rediscovering old friends, old passions and new ones, enjoying time with my children and their companions, waiting to spend more time with mine and dreaming about the next part of my life! Let the adventure begin! And where is my gold watch?