Monday, September 28, 2009

So the wedding was a success! The only beautiful day of the week! The bride was stunning, the groom ecstatic! The mother of the bride exhausted! And that was only the ceremony! The receptions were marvelous. I will post more photos once we get them!
I just can't believe she is old enough to be someone's wife! Today she posted an email to me and I didn't have a clue who Carolin Shepard was. I almost deleted it! Things change!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Seven Days

Seven days...what the heck! Where did the week go...the bride is sick, the groom is hanging tough and the mother of bride is doing great! My blood pressure is finally down, I lost eleven pounds and for some reason am calm and collected. Seems strange to be so calm, I must be missing something.

Oh well, as long as they are married by the end of the day I'll be happy.

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

Amid all the rushing and planning for the upcoming nuptials I did take some time today to remember all that happened eight years ago. So many lost and so many more left behind to mourn for them. Only eight years ago we were a country united by a common pain and a common cause. What happened? Are our memories so short, our ability to remember so stunted that only eight years later at Bloomsburg University only seven students showed up to a memorial for those lost on 9/11.

Did you say a prayer for those lost eight years ago? Do you keep those that serve our nation here and abroad in your prayers? Did you at least stop for one moment to be thankful that you live in a nation that allows you to those choices?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Twenty-four Days

Bride's Dress - Done
Marriage License - Done
MOB Dress - in the works
Shoes - Done
Food - in the works
Chairs and misc. items - still in the works
Venues - Done
Gluten Free Desserts - Done (except for decoration)
Decorations - work in progress
Pashmina's ordered - Done
Hotel Reservations - Done
Flowers - Done

Some things are still works in process...I am tired to say the least...