Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Glamorous Life

Well, this week the living has been glamorous...NOT! Our Friday night date was a trip to Petsmart with the pups and a salad from Wendy's. Saturday has been ironing and the gym.

We have been deep in the annual ritual known as Spring Cleaning. A rite of passage that is not to be overlooked by anyone in my house, although many wish I would develop a temporary case of Alzheimer's so we could skip it altogether. Since this has not been the case, the cleaning has commenced!

We started with Maddock's room and I am not sure we can refer to that as cleaning but more like decontaminating the environment! He got a new bed this week and this meant cleaning underneath the old one. Since we were already cleaning it just seemed the natural thing to continue...some of my dishes have been returned to their home in the kitchen, two bags of trash were hauled out, one full hamper of laundry has escaped to the basement and dust bunnies ran for their lives. At one point I noticed Fred scrubbing a spot in the corner, when I asked him what he was cleaning he simply rolled his eyes and said "You don't want to know." I am sure he was right! All in all a very satisfying clean out...however, as I walked by his room today I noticed three glasses have been kidnapped, the laundry seems to be trying to crawl to the new basket we put in his room for that purpose and the bed seemed so forlorn in its unmade state. I can see an update will be necessary.

Micah has put me on notice that Samantha (his girlfriend) will be helping him with his room...I will be watching!

Next came our bedroom...emptied the closets, rearranged all the drawers, and moved the furniture for a wonderful "I got something done today" feeling! Our room has remained spotless!

Today Fred even got the garage cleaned out! The yard is mowed and the flowers are blooming!

Since we had already done most of the downstairs while replacing the floors the only room left is the family room and that will be the next episode in "Adventures in Cleaning."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Pups

Jack is funny and seems to know it in this picture...he looks like he is laughing.
This is Ripper. He is so sweet and funny....but eats anything, and I do mean anything!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Prom... can you say CHEESE? Obviously Maddock can.

Maddock and would think the boy could be serious just once in a while...hmmmmm....maybe not.

Aren't they a nice looking group. Of course our kid had to be the one in the white tux. Big shock!

The Tournament and the Prom

Today was a tournament (soccer of course, is there any other kind?) in Philly. We won one and lost one...story to be continued tomorrow at 1:00. Flew back home to get ready for the prom which included an emergency trip to the florist because someone (who will remain nameless) forgot to remind the MOM to get the flowers. They arrived just in time and after taking a few photos the crew was off to the prom.

Now we just get to wait up until the boy is home safe...could be a long night.

Look for pics to be posted soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

the Terminator

No not me...the movie. Hubby and I took an afternoon...actually it was between picking up the tux for the prom and going to the gym, so not really an afternoon. Pretty good flick, great special efffects. A good cyborg movie is always worth the time right?

Wedding news... sent the, almost, comlete, guest list to Cares today. Still waiting on a couple of addresses. Looked at more cupcake recipes and plan to start the baking and tasting next Monday. I guess that means more trips to the gym. Oh well, all for a good cause.


Good Grief...what next?! Planning a wedding, replacing the floors, getting Doc ready for Prom, a soccer tournament this weekend, fixing Doc's car (he knocked the mirror off in the bushes), etc. This list is endless and I was worried about too much free time...HAH!

I did take a full day and just read yesterday. A great book "The Last Child." Not earth shattering or anything, just a terrific story.

Today I have to make up for taking yesterday off. Here we go...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So what is going on in the Johnston Family at the moment...hmmm...Fred is home for few weeks. He now wishes he could go back to work since the "Honey Do" list gets longer everyday. Soon enough he will be back on the road and I will be a Road Warrior's widow again. Maddock in antsy for school to be out. His last summer as a high schooler. Next year he will be a Senior and then who knows. Maddock is also taking the summer off to work and take a break from school.

Fred has finally finished replacing all the floors in the house. Took eighteen months but it is done and looks wonderful! The yard looks great to but that is mostly due to Lil' Jon. He did all our mulching, cutting back the shrubs and the trees, and did a bit of cleanup in the backyard. Now all we have to do is plant a few things and we are done!

I am getting ready to start working on the perfect cupcake recipe for Carolin and Jason's wedding. I will be using Micah, Samantha, Maddock and T as guinia pigs. They informed me they will happy to help.

A "Twilight" Moment

Cares and J's "Twilight" moment! Awwwwww! We love it...Jason hates it...well the movie, not the kissing Carolin part. I think he kind of likes that part.

They are cute!

Climbing trees, running around like kids in the park Carolin and Jason are just adorable together.
The newly engaged Carolin and Jason or...adventures in planning a wedding in two states in six months...

The Next Thirty Years

Mother of five, grandmother of six...for the moment. Who knows when the next one will be coming along. Stay at home mom for over twenty-five years. Now that the youngest is a senior in high school what am I going to do with the rest of my life? Ideas? Suggestions? Let's see what I grow up to be.... stay tuned!

The First Blog

O.K. so now what? What exactly do I say on this blog...well